Reviving a Classic: Colorizing ‘Night Nurse’ (1931) with DeOldify AI

Recently, I’ve been on a quest to explore various AI tools. One evening, while watching my all-time favorite Barbara Stanwyck movie, Night Nurse (1931), a light bulb went off in my head: “Could there be an AI way to colorize this?”

Sure, I’ve been around the block with cloud services that colorize black-and-white images, but I wanted more. So, I hit the search engines and struck gold with DeOldify. What’s next? Of course, I decided to take it for a spin.

To cut through the tech jargon, DeOldify essentially employs FFmpeg to split videos into individual frames, adds some color magic, and then pieces the video back together.

To give you a taste, here’s a short clip from the movie that I transformed from a drab black and white into a vibrant colored scene. I’m excited about the potential of tweaking DeOldify and experimenting with other AI tools to push the quality even further. 



The initial results have left me pretty stoked, and I’m eagerly looking forward to enjoying the entire movie in its new technicolor glory once it’s fully processed.

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